Minnesota Hair Salon Remodel & Renovation – Bryce Jermain Salon

Hair Salon Contractor Construction
Bryce Jermain Salon – Minneapolis, MN

Minneapolis, MN Success Story

In business, some things are easier to track and calculate than others. Certain metrics, like utilities expenses or total revenue, are easily measured. Others, like customer satisfaction, are a little more difficult because they’re mostly subjective. Over the years, we’ve found that one of the most reliable markers of customer satisfaction is repeat business, and that’s why it makes us proud when clients like Bryce Jermain Salon get in touch with us again after we’ve completed a previous salon remodeling project. Bryce first contacted us back in 2006, when we completed the first remodel of his salon. Nine years later, Bryce got ahold of us again, and this time with big plans in the works. Bryce’s salon had seen enough growth in the last decade that he needed to double its current size. Bryce didn’t want to just make the salon bigger and update a few things here and there – he wanted to remodel and renovate the entire salon. And, over the course of 12 round-the-clock working days, that’s exactly what we did.

Hair Salon Rejuvenated by Remodeling

Hair Salon Renovation
Remodel & Renovation By Randahl Construction

Building interiors are important to every business, but perhaps no more so in any type of business than in a salon. The interior of the Bryce Jermain Salon didn’t just need to look nice; it needed to convey to the clientele that they were entering a “creative collective,” where their style would be given top priority by professionals who were passionate about their work. In order to accomplish this look, the Randahl Construction team worked diligently for 12 straight 24-hour days in order to complete the project in as short of a time frame as possible. While the work was fast, it definitely wasn’t rushed. The team adhered to the Randahl Construction commitment to high quality work and did not skip a beat throughout the commercial remodeling process. The project went off without a hitch. The result of Randahl Construction and Bryce Jermain’s efforts? Highlights of the hair salon remodel & renovation include polished concrete floors, which required a total of over 75 hours of grinding and polishing to complete, updated bathrooms featuring custom tiling, updated mechanicals and electrical, and custom-built Belvedere cabinets, to name a few. The owner of the salon, Bryce Jermain, is thrilled with the outcome.

“Amazing what can happen in a matter of 10 days! A huge thank you to Randy and his team at Randahl Construction, Inc…” ~ Bryce Jermain

Minnesota Hair Salon Remodel & Renovation – Bryce Jermain Salon

The newly-remodeled Bryce Jermain Salon officially opened its doors for business on September 28th, now complete with a look and feel that wows customers and reflects the unique culture of passion and creativity at BJS.

Video: Bryce Jermain Salon Remodel & Renovation by Randahl Construction

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