Tres Jolie Salon Remodel Minneapolis, MN 55405

Tres Jolie Salon Remodel

Our Tres Jolie Salon commercial remodeling project was especially successful. It won 3rd Runner-Up out of 20 Salons of the Year. A magazine review calls it a “well-thought-out design” and compliments, “It’s quite appropriate that, when translated from French, the name of the Tres Jolie Salon means very pretty“.

In addition to providing award winning quality, many other aspects of this project were also exceptional. While only 41% of the submitted projects completed “within budget”, Randahl Construction ranked in the 2% that were actually UNDER budget. Only 49% of these salons were completed “on schedule”, while our project was in the elite 3% that managed to complete their projects AHEAD of schedule.

Tres Jolie Hair Salon Remodel MNRandahl Construction Hair Salon Remodel

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